Coastal Remote Sensing, Water Quality
Public Health, GIS, Spatial Analysis, climate
Atmospheric radiation, Physics of Global Warming
Office Manager, CUNY CREST Institute
Earth observations, natural hazards, resilience
Chief Financial Analyst, Budget Specialist
Extreme weather, renewable energy, remote sensing
Lidar, Atmospheric Remote Sensing, Micro-Climate
Remote Sensing, GIS, Hydrology, Urban Climate
Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Method, Modeling
Business Development and Entrepreneurship
Urban ecology, Pollination Biology, GIS Mapping
Signal Processing, Data Compression, Machine Learn
Data Assimilation, Remote Sensing, Data Analysis
Weather, Climate, Hurricanes, Cyclones
Aquatic Biogeochemistry, Sustainability, Green Inf
Atmospheric Sciences, Convective Dynamics, Remote
Interdisciplinary Studies, Study Abroad, Exchange
Water, Environmental Justice and Security.
Global Flood, Remote Sensing, Hydrology.
Geodynamics, Geomorphology, Climate
Wetlands, Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Ecosystems
Associate Director for Administration and Advising
Remote Sensing, Biodiversity, Ecology, Atmospheric
Water Resources, Food Security, Hydrological Cycle
Applied Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Visuali
Satellite Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation
Water Systems, Hydroclimate, Statistical Methods,
Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and Environmental Scien
Environmental Science, Climate, Plant Physiology,
Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and Environmental Scien
STEM Education and Training, Climate Change
Research Scientist The City College of New York
Urban Sustainability, Building Energy Use, Boundar
Climate Change, Urban Climate; Satellite Remote Se
Remote Sensing, Hydrology, Water Resources
Ecosystem Services, Education and Training
Human trafficking, Immigrants, Refugees, Social Wo
Atmospheric Sciences, Climate Change, Monsoons
Communication Manager, Website Management
Geospatial Techniques, Disaster management, Remote
Environmental Remote Sensing, Snow, Weather, Clima
Geohazards and Georisks, Geotechnical Engineering,
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Medical Imaging