The mission of CUNY CREST Institute is to develop environmental information and technical capabilities needed for research on processes affecting the Earth System at multiple scales and for planning a sustainable society by compiling Remote Sensing Observations and Modeling Resources into set of Scientific Investigations and Data Products and by supporting the Educational Mission of the University, all in partnerships with Researchers, Technology Companies, Local, National and International Organizations. Below is the list of Data Products developed by Institute Affiliates.
Sr No | Product Name and Description | Product Type/ Coverage/ Resolution | Product website | Funding Sources |
1 | Snow Analysis and Field Experiment Data (CUNY-SAFE) Long term field experiment for snow research located at Caribou ME. Contact: Tarendra Lakhankar, Peter Romanov | Observational data product Caribou, ME 8 years of field data, 5 min Temporal Resolution | | CUNY, DoD, NOAA |
2 | New York City-Urban Hydro-Meteorological Testbed (NY-uHMT) The New York urban Hydro-meteorological Testbed (NY-uHMT) is a hydro meteorological weather station network that is used to investigate climate change in the New York City area. Contact: Tarendra Lakhankar | Observational data product New York City 2 Years of Weather station data, @15 min resolution | | CUNY |
3 | urban‐Weather Research and Forecasting (uWRF) model Forecast weather for New York City, 72-hrs ahead; all met outputs + energy. Contact: Jorge Gonzalez | Model Output New York City 4-years; performance evaluated in auto mode, daily basis | New York Forecast – The Coastal Urban Environmental Research Group ( | |
4 | Satellite Based Air Temperature for Cities Estimates satellite based hourly air temperature from GOES-16 Contact: Prathap Ramamurthy, Jorge Gonzalez | Observational data product New York City 1-year; still under development | Air Temperature – The Coastal Urban Environmental Research Group ( | |
5 | Satellite Based Thermal Storage for Cities Estimates satellite based thermal storage from GOES-16 Contact: Prathap Ramamurthy, Jorge Gonzalez | Observational data product New York City 1-year; still under development | NYC Urban Heat Storage – The Coastal Urban Environmental Research Group ( | |
6 | SWAMPS (Surface WAter Microwave Product Series) Global 25 km resolution inundated area fraction, sub weekly from blended active/passive microwave satellite sensors Contact: Kyle McDonald | Blended observational product Global ice-free land 1991 – 2020; 25 km EASE Grid posting | | NASA |
7 | IW-ESDR (Inundated wetlands Earth system data record) – South America Time-series SAR-based inundation maps focused on the Amazon basin. Contact: Kyle McDonald | Observational product Amazon basin, South America Various years 1996 – 2011. 100m res nominal | | NASA |
8 | IW-ESDR (Inundated wetlands Earth system data record) – Alaska Wetland’s biome maps of Alaska Contact: Kyle McDonald | Observational Alaska 1997-1998; 2007. 100m res nominal | | NASA |
9 | HiMAT Freeze/Thaw/Melt state Freeze/thaw state of high mountain Asia domain Contact: Kyle McDonald & Nick Steiner | Observational High Mountain Asia 2009 – 2017; ~4.45 km res nominal; daily product | | NASA |
10 | HiMAT snow-on-glaciers melt status. Sentinel SAR-based melt status for snow on glaciers in high mountain Asia domain Contact: Kyle McDonald & Nick Steiner | Observational High Mountain Asia 2014 – 2020; ~weekly; ~25 m res | NASA | |
11 | Land-cover Structure Characterization package Contact: Kyle McDonald & Nick Steiner | NASA | ||
12 | Cold Lands Surface Temperature and freeze/thaw state Blended TIR and Microwave Emissivity surface freeze-thaw-melt status from SAR and ECOSTRESS Contact: Kyle McDonald & Nick Steiner | Blended Observational Selected prototyping sites in USA and High Mountain Asia 2019-2020; ~weekly; ~100m nominal | NASA/JPL | |
13 | Wetlands Area and Dynamics for Methane Modeling (WAD2M) Global dataset of wetlands area and inundation dynamics from blended sources for supporting assessment of land-atmosphere methane flux. Contact: Kyle McDonald | Blended observational Global ice-free land 2000 – 2018; Monthly; 0.25 arc-degree resolution | Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and NASA | |
14 | Wetland methane emissions and uncertainty dataset for atmospheric chemical transport models (WetCHARTs version 1.0) global wetland CH4 emission model ensemble for use in atmospheric chemical transport models Contact: Kyle McDonald | Model ensemble based on observations (e.g. SWAMPS) Global ice-free land 2009 – 2010 (full ensemble); 2001 – 2015 (limited subset); 0.5 deg resolution | | NASA |
15 | AERONET AERONET-Ocean color data for LIS Aerosol parameters and water leaving radiances. Contact: Alex Gilerson | Observational LIS 2009-present | | NOAA |
16 | River Flow Data reconstruction to gap fill USGS information. Recreating river flow data for CA for the gauges those had historic gaps and data creation for un-gauged regions. Contact: Indrani Pal | California (but 100% transferable) 1981-present | Volunteers working on CA Water Data Challenge | |
17 | AI-enabled surface water supply prediction models AI-enabled and publicly data driven automated supply prediction systems and data warehousing on Snowflake. Contact: Indrani Pal | California (but 100% transferable) 1981-present | Volunteers working on CA Water Data Challenge | |
18 | “Let’s Talk About Water” / water short film and community education. Contact: Indrani Pal | Global |