Jingli Yang

Dr. Jingli Yang, Founder and Principal of ERT, is an accomplished entrepreneur, strategist, and Earth remote sensing scientist. Under her leadership, the company has enjoyed continuous growth and development in science, engineering and technology support of missions in NOAA, NASA and Air Force Research Lab.

Dr. Yang holds a Ph.D. in Biogeography and Remote Sensing from the University of Maryland and has over 20 years of experience in Earth remote sensing, science data systems, and geospatial interoperability for NASA and NOAA. Prior to ERT, she held a series of progressively more responsible technical and management positions in the Earth remote sensing and satellite data systems with companies that included Raytheon and Space Imaging EOSAT. Dr. Yang served as the CEO of ERT in the past 25 years and built a successful science and technology organization with a customer focused and employee-oriented culture and reputation.

Dr. Yang serves on the Board of Trustees at the University of Maryland College Park and is active in both the American Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Union. She was President of the Maryland Space Business Roundtable (MSBR) in 2013-2015 and served as the Chair of the NASA Goddard Contractors’ Association, and member of the Maryland Federal Facility Advisory Board under Governor O’Malley. She received numerous awards including NASA Global Change Fellowship, National Geographic Young Explore award, and American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Ta Liang Memorial Award.