Increase CREST’s research and academic collaborations across the globe
Increase student mobility to CUNY and CREST
Develop online course offerings through the institute for audiences abroad
Increase virtual webinars/workshops to bring STEM and other content from abroad to CUNY
Increase grant opportunities for the institute
Internationalize CUNY
Increase student mobility to CUNY
Increase research products
Find collaborative solutions to pressing global issues
Director: Juan Mercado & Neal Phillip
Associate Directors. Paramita Sen & Nir Krakauer
Research and Applications
Stakeholder and Community Engagement
Education and Training
Business Development and Entrepreneurship
Social Science/Env Justice
Develop collaborations in Egypt
Develop collaborations in Southeast Asia
Solidify/expand our research collaborations in India
Increase collaborations in the Caribbean Basin
Increase research and collaborations in Argentina and other South American countries
Increase monetary flow to the institute
Find more international study abroad opportunities for CREST Institute and CUNY students
Collaborations on precipitation change and predictability with universities in Nepal, Pakistan, Algeria, Morocco
Currently applying for a collaborative NSF grand with a Colombian
Year I of NSF IRES air pollution research project in Mumbai/New Delhi
Collaborations with OSU and US Ice Drilling Program on Antarctic new ice research program
Faculty development activities with the School of Ice