In January, CREST Executive Director, Dr. Reza Khanbilvardi visited Argentina with the goal of fostering partnerships and advancing scientific collaboration between the USA and South America. The trip focused on connecting with key academic institutions and government agencies to explore potential areas of cooperation in satellite remote sensing, advanced technologies, and disaster response.
During his visit, Dr. Khanbilvardi engaged in productive discussions with President Julia Oliva Cuneo and Director of International Relations at the University Provincial of Cordoba (UPC), Dr. Maria Laura Chauvet. The talks centered on bringing educational and training workshops in satellite remote sensing and innovative technologies to the students and professionals in the State of Cordoba. Dr. Khanbilvardi said, “Both institutions explored various avenues for collaborative research and educational exchanges, leading to the development of a comprehensive two-year action plan between UPC and CUNY CREST.”
In addition, Dr. Khanbilvardi met with Executive and Technical Director, Raul Kulichevsky, and Scientist at the Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE), Argentina’s National Space Activities Commission, Ms. Ana Gabriela Medico. The talks focused on the application of satellite data for providing crucial information during extreme events and natural disasters, an area of shared interest that aligns with CUN -CREST’s mission.
Dr. Khanbilvardi’s visit marks a significant step towards building lasting academic and research partnerships between the CREST, the University Provincial of Cordoba, and CONAE, creating new opportunities for innovation in remote sensing, disaster management, and scientific collaboration.