Research Team |
Tarendra Lakhankar
Research Assistant Professor
CUNY-CREST Institute
The City College of New York T-103, Steinman Hall
140th Street & Convent Ave, NY NY 10031 Phone: (212) 650-5815
Peter Romanov
Senior Research Scientist
Department of Electrical Engineering
The City College of New York
T-513 Steinman Hall
140th Street & Convent Ave, NY NY 10031
E-mail: Peter.Romanov@NOAA.gov |
Reza Khanbilvardi
NOAA Chair Professor of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
The City College of New York
T-107, Steinman Hall
140th Street & Convent Ave, NY NY 10031
Phone: (212) 650-8009
E-mail: Khanbilvardi@ccny.cuny.edu |
William B. Rossow (Retired)
Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
The City College of New York
T-541 Steinman Hall
140th Street & Convent Ave, NY NY 10031
Phone: (212) 650-5389
E-mail: wbrossow@ccny.cuny.edu |
Nir Y. Krakauer
Department of Civil Engineering
The City College of New York
T-193 Steinman Hall
140th Street & Convent Ave, NY NY 10031
Phone: (212) 650-8003
E-mail: nir@ce.ccny.cuny.edu
Engela Sthapit
Graduate (PhD) Student
CUNY-CREST Institute
T-183 Steinman Hall
140th Street & Convent Ave, NY NY 10031
Phone: 212-650-5477
E-mail: esthapi00@citymail.cuny.edu
Riley McDuffie, BS
University of Maine at Presque Isle
Email: riley.mcduffie@maine.edu
Elise Gudde, BS
University of Maine at Presque Isle
E-mail: nathaniel.norris@maine.edu
Graduated Students:
Jonathan Muñoz-Barreto, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez
787-832-4040, ext. 3499
E-mail: jonathan.munoz@upr.edu |
Carlos Perez Diaz
Graduate (PhD) Student
CUNY-CREST Institute
E-mail: carlos.p.diaz@gmail.com |
Jose Infante
Graduate (PhD) Student
CUNY-CREST Institute
E-mail: jinfant03@citymail.cuny.edu
Hiram Sanchez
Graduate (MS) Student
CUNY-CREST Institute
E-mail: hsanchez001@citymail.cuny.edu |

Cristopher Chan, BS
CUNY-CREST Institute
E-mail: christopher.chan@mail.citytech.cuny.edu
Nathaniel Norris, BS
University of Maine at Presque Isle
E-mail: nathaniel.norris@maine.edu
Philip Boody, BS
University of Maine at Presque Isle
E-mail: philip.boody@maine.edu |